4 Reasons Why Lab-Grown Diamonds Make for Excellent Engagement Rings

Many believe engagement rings look the same, but this is not necessarily true. You can find a unique ring that stands out from the rest by looking for a custom-made option or a one-of-a-kind diamond ring. This way, you can have an exceptional engagement ring unlike any other.

If this sounds expensive, don't worry. Using lab-grown diamonds, you can have the elegance and uniqueness of a diamond engagement ring without the exorbitant prices.

Lab-grown diamonds are synthetic diamonds manufactured in a laboratory setting. These diamonds are identical to natural diamonds in every way, except they are not mined from the earth, making them conflict-free and ethically sourced. Using lab-grown diamonds for engagement rings has several distinct advantages. 

Here are four reasons you should use these lab-grown diamonds for your engagement rings.

1. Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Eco-Friendly

Natural diamonds are mined from the earth, usually through very destructive methods. The various mining techniques used to retrieve minerals from the earth's surface are alluvial mining, pipe mining, open-pit mining, underground mining and marine diamond mining — all of which cause irreparable environmental damage.

Lab-grown diamonds are the exact opposite, as they are created in a laboratory setting, usually by one of two methods. The first method is called High-Pressure High Temperature (HPHT). It uses intense heat and pressure to replicate the conditions in which natural diamonds are formed. 

The second method, called Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), uses a combination of gases to create a diamond layer by layer. Both of these methods produce physically, chemically, and optically identical diamonds found in nature, but without the environmental cost.

2. Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Typically Cheaper than Mined Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are typically much cheaper than mined diamonds due to the lower cost of production. Production is cheaper for lab-grown diamonds because creating the diamond is much simpler and faster than the traditional mining process. Additionally, lab-grown diamonds are more consistent in quality and size since they are all produced under the same conditions.

3. Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Customisable in Terms of Size, Shape and Colour

One of the biggest misconceptions about lab-grown diamonds is that they all look the same. However, the ability to customise lab-grown diamonds provides a unique opportunity for those looking for something reasonable but special. Lab-grown diamonds can be cut and polished into any shape, from classic round and princess cuts to more unique shapes like marquise and pear. They can also be customised in size and colour, allowing you to create a truly unique diamond. This makes lab-grown diamonds ideal for those looking for something exceptional.

4. Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Conflict-Free and Ethically Sourced

Consumers today are increasingly aware of the ethical implications of their purchasing decisions. When it comes to diamonds, people want to be sure that they are not buying diamonds from unethical and illegal businesses, especially those that operate in conflict-ridden areas. 

One way you can do this is by buying from reputable jewellery stores specialising in ethical jewellery. Be sure to ask for diamond certification, as this will assure you that the diamond came from a legitimate source.


Lab-grown diamonds are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to mined diamonds. Not only are they ethically sourced, but they are also more affordable than mined diamonds. This makes them ideal not only for the budget conscious but also for the environmentally aware buyer.

Diamonds can last forever, but there will be a limit to the amount of damage that the environment can sustain. Be part of the solution by choosing lab-grown diamonds from Eco Lab Diamonds. Design your own engagement ring using ethically-sourced diamonds today!