Lab-Grown Diamonds vs Mined Diamonds in Eco-Friendliness

With environmental responsibility highlighted throughout the past couple of years, it's best to find eco-friendly alternatives for anything and everything. As technology is becoming increasingly advanced, we can see such examples of eco-friendly technology in materials, clothes, and cars. Another thing that's pretty neat is diamonds.

There are two variations that you can find now on the market: diamonds that have been discovered through mining or those that have been grown in a lab. Both options are popular and valuable, but some distinctions between the two make one more eco-friendly in comparison to the other. Continue reading to know more:

How Mining Diamonds Work

Mined diamonds are the most widely used diamonds around the world and are mined from deep within the earth's surface. The process of mining diamonds involves large machines, explosives, and drills used to dig deep into the earth's surface where diamonds are located.

Many of these stones are found in Africa, India, Australia, and Brazil. A lot of mines throughout the world are considered to be very dangerous both to the environment and also to the people who are mining.

How Growing Diamonds Work

Unlike mined diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are grown in a lab setting, which is why it's known as synthetic diamonds. This process involves the use of natural gases, temperature, and pressure to grow a synthetic diamond.

Not all lab-grown diamonds look the same, just like real ones. This is because some of the stones are made to have a different clarity and colour than the others. For instance, some are made to look like your traditional mined diamond, while others have pre-existing and uniform cuts.

Comparing Lab-Grown to Mined Diamonds

If you're considering buying either a mined or a lab-grown diamond, you should compare them to find out which one is more eco-friendly. Here are the important factors that you should assess regarding these beautiful gems:

1. Water Usage. 

Around 125 grams of water are used per carat of a mined diamond, but lab-grown diamonds use significantly less. Plus, there's a lack of wastewater and water pollution with growing diamonds since there's no need to disturb the surrounding bodies of water.

2. Energy Usage. 

A significant amount of fuel is used in mining operations. If we take that into consideration and compare it to just one carat of lab-grown diamonds, then we can see that there's a significant difference and how the latter uses less energy.

3. Carbon Footprint. 

Mined diamonds have 20 times the carbon footprint than lab-grown diamonds, even with the use of renewable energy that's meant to reduce the number of greenhouse gases. In this regard, lab-grown diamonds are certainly more ethical in comparison.

4. Land Disruption. 

The process of excavating diamonds causes a lot of disruption to the land since it can leave a big hole once the process is finished. On the other hand, growing diamonds don't disrupt anything because you're only cultivating a stone inside a lab.

5. Resulting Waste. 

Mined diamonds produce a lot of waste, which is then dumped into landfills. Lab-grown diamonds do not make any waste, which is why this is another big advantage of supporting and purchasing lab-grown diamonds over mined ones.


Overall, it's best to purchase lab-grown diamonds if you want to lessen the negative impact on the environment. After all, it means gaining the same product but using less energy and water, as well as coming up with less waste in its production process.

Seeking lab-grown diamonds in Australia? Eco Lab Diamonds offers premium diamonds that have been grown in a lab, allowing you to customise your jewellery for any purpose and occasion. Order today!