10 Interesting Facts About Lab Made Diamonds

Natural diamonds formed deep in the earth under extreme pressure and high temperature as long as three billion years ago. Lab made diamonds have been far more recently, in a laboratory. Lab made diamonds are beautiful, but many may avoid buying them as they believe they just aren't as good as mined diamonds.

If you’d like to understand more about lab made diamonds, read on - you might be surprised at the benefits!

1. Lab Made Diamonds Are Not The Same As Synthetic Diamonds

Contrary to popular belief, lab made diamonds are not synthetic. Synthetic is defined as a material or chemical created to imitate a natural product. Cubic zirconia, for example, is synthetic. It looks like a diamond, but has no carbon properties. A lab made diamond is 100% crystallised carbon.

2. You Can't Tell The Difference Between Mined and Lab Made By Eye

If you tried to tell the difference between a mined and a lab made diamond by eye, you couldn’t. It’s impossible to tell the difference between mined and lab-made by eye, so nobody would ever know that the diamond you are wearing was created in a lab. CZ doesn’t have the same vibrancy and light reflective properties of a real diamond, but lab made diamonds are the same.

3. They Are Cheaper Than Mined Diamonds

Although lab mined diamonds are the same as real diamonds, they come with an attractive lower price point. Lab-grown diamonds are often up to 25-30% less costly than their natural diamond equivalents.

4. The First Version Was Created in 1950

The first version of the lab made diamond was created in 1950. Lab created Diamonds have been improved upon and now rival the natural diamond in every way. Gem-quality diamonds were produced in a laboratory for the first time in 1971, and in the mid-2010s colourless laboratory-grown diamonds entered the gem and jewellery market.

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5. There’s Actually No Difference Between Mined and Lab Made

Aside from the fact that natural diamonds are mined and lab made diamonds are made in a lab, there’s no difference between the two. Both are pure carbon. These two stones are chemically, physically and optically identical.

6. Lab Made Diamonds are Conflict Free

You can buy lab made diamonds with a clear conscience as they are guaranteed conflict free. All information about who made the diamond, how the diamonds was made and who the stakeholders in the supply chain are is all readily available to consumers.

7. They Are Good For People and The Environment

Choosing a lab made diamond means reducing the harmful impact diamond mining has on the environment, while also getting a high-quality, premium product that will last a lifetime for an affordable price. 

8. Purchasing A Lab Made Diamond Supports The Industry

When you purchase a lab made diamond, you support the industry. Your money can go towards high tech applications such as laser lenses, surgical knives, water purification devices, and more.

9. There Are Lots of Misconceptions About Lab Made Diamonds

You probably already know there are misconceptions about lab made diamonds - most of these misconceptions come from the diamond industry trying to stop the growth of the cultured diamond.

10. 70% of Millennials Would Consider Purchasing Lab Grown Jewellery

70% of millennials would consider purchasing lab grown jewellery. The rest probably don't know enough to make an informed decision!